aCodec Risk Score

aCodec Risk Score calculations are estimates based on the most recently published "SFY21A Risk Adjustment Methodology for the Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Program" document released by State of New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services and Mercer.

aCodec Risk Score Highlights
  • Secure web-based environment through a user-friendly interface.
  • Robust Assessment Audit System eliminates the need for manual reviews of assessments via decision support technology and proprietary algorithms.
  • Identify inconsistencies in the InterRAI Home Care (HC) Assessment for better care planning and allocation of resources.
  • Predict relative costs so Medicaid payment rates match the risk profile of the enrolled population.
  • Predict expected healthcare costs based on beneficiary information. Organizations have the ability to define multiple cohorts through segmentation and stratification based on demographics, diseases, functional and cognitive status. Cohorts help improve the effectiveness of the provided care by targeting specific interventions for different populations.
  • Identify common areas of risk within healthcare organizations.
  • Analyze year to year risk score trends across the organization, provider, and member level.
  • In-depth analytics enable healthcare leaders discover underlying trends and possible interventions that were overlooked in real time.